Tools & Software

Do it yourself with our intuitive and innovative tools and software!

If you have any queries or need further assistance, please contact us.

19 Inch Rack Enclosures and Accessories catalogue19 Inch Rack Enclosures and Accessories catalogue

Our Rack Unit Calculator can convert rack U's into cm, inches and feet, which makes it a very useful tool for any installer or musician who needs to know exactly what equipment to buy when building a 19 inch rack. 

Penn Elcom Global Product CataloguePenn Elcom Global Product Catalogue

Design and order your own bespoke rack panels online! Simply choose a panel template and add cut-outs, text, images and graphics for completely custom 19 inch rack panels.

Crating Hardware Catalogue - Build a Better CaseCrating Hardware Catalogue - Build a Better Case

With a completely new software stack, easy to use interface, dynamic data feeds for live pricing and even more hardware availability, the all new Case Designer makes designing and building flight cases better than ever before...